Not having a period doesn’t make you any less of a woman

In 2024, the fight against transphobia remains crucial. Despite progress in LGBTQ+ rights, transgender individuals still face discrimination and violence. From systemic barriers to social stigmatization, transphobia persists in various forms, underscoring the need for awareness and advocacy. It's disheartening to see influential figures perpetuate outdated beliefs about gender identity. Transgender women are women, regardless of physical characteristics. Denying or diminishing their identity based on biology is disrespectful and harmful.

It's crucial to recognize that gender identity isn't determined by physical traits but by how someone feels and identifies internally. People are much more than their anatomy, and it's time we learn to respect and accept others for who they are, regardless of their sex characteristics.

Remarks that you hear and read daily (such as those made by Anouk on Threads) contribute to the stigma and discrimination already faced by transgender communities, and these need to stop.

Let's seize this opportunity to cultivate more understanding and empathy towards transgender individuals. Let's work together to build a society where all individuals feel safe and accepted to be their authentic selves. Let's hold influential individuals accountable for their social media posts.